Macromarketing & Public Policy / Publication Abstract
So, you want to write policy-relevant articles?
Nov 8, 2019
Ronald Paul Hill
So, you want to write policy-oriented articles… in marketing journals? Well, the competition is tough and getting tougher. At one time in the history of the larger field, top journals such as Journal of Marketing (JM ) not only welcomed such topics but encouraged them and often would give updates on governmental activities for organizations like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Additionally, at the start of the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR ), some of the most important topics included issues of deception that were germane to consumer researchers as well as public policymakers. While both outlets yield space to an occasional article with a policy bent, much of this work now is contained in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing (JPP & M ) or the Journal of Consumer Affairs (JCA ). One bit of good news is that both outlets continue to advance in prestige, allowing for the rise of several scholarly communities that include the Transformative Consumer Research (TCR ) conference and movement, the public policy and marketing conference attendees, and the subsistence marketplace conference attendees (for example, Mick 2006).
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