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Grant Award: "A Whiter Shade of Pale"

Sep 20, 2021

TCR announces the 2021 grant recipients, including MIH's Ronald Hill and Sarah Mady.

A team of researchers, including Ronald Hill and Sarah Mady, were awarded a grant from the Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) to study the influence that whiteness has on beauty standards.

The group explained that "generations of women around the world have been inundated by female models with whiter complexions as the prototypical standard by which they have benchmarked themselves" and the resulting effort to meet these unrealistic beauty standards. Because of this, they will study the "adherence to and underlying meanings of facial whiteness" in India, Egypt, and Ghana.


Established in 2006 by the Association for Consumer Research, TCR’s mission is to “encourage, support, and publicize research that benefits consumer welfare.” To that end, this grant funds projects that provide actionable insights that uphold and improve consumer well-being.

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