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Impact Makers

Impact Makers

Faculty Spotlight

Professor Hastak and Professor Mitra:
Skepticism of Advertising and Consumer Healthfulness

In their recent article published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs, Professors Hastak, Mitra, and Debra Ringold (Willamette University) examine consumers' use of the Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP) to determine whether consumers actually use the labels or only report doing so. They find few consumers examine NFPs for healthfulness, but those who are often more skeptical of advertising or find health-related information more important than the average consumer. 

Professor Hastak has published extensively in scholarly marketing publications including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Public Policy Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, and Psychology Marketing. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Public Policy Marketing.

Professor Mitra’s research focuses on consumer perceptions of marketing information such as advertising, nutritional labeling, and other mandatory disclosures and their public policy implications. She has published scholarly articles in the Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Marketing Letters, and Journal of Business Research.

Student Spotlight

Daniel Merritt

Harmonizing Profitability and Sustainability

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Daniel Merritt, a sophomore undergraduate at Gonzaga University enrolled in the American University Washington Semester Program, is passionately pursuing a major in International Economy.
Mr. Merritt aspires to forge a future where profitability and sustainability aren’t mutually exclusive. His vision extends to the private financial sector, where he aims to integrate superior management strategies with a conscientious approach toward environmental and social considerations in his future career.

Embracing the belief that experiences serve as the ultimate education, Mr. Merritt has fervently sought out opportunities to broaden his horizons. Over the past two years, he has engaged in three economic internship experiences, each contributing significantly to his professional development. Most notable of these are his time with the venture capital team at the California Pension Fund alongside his current role at Creative Investment Research. Through these endeavors, Mr. Merritt continues to hone his skills and deepen his understanding, driven by a profound dedication to making positive change in the world of finance.

Mr. Merritt seeks to build his network, share his ideas, and engage in meaningful dialogue with colleagues. If there are any inclinations to learn more about his work or connect, please reach Mr. Merritt at danielmerritt909@gmail.com, or (480)-490-8679.

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Market Impact Hub 
Kogod School of Business, American University

4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016 

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