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Research & Publications / Consumer Well-Being

Consumer Well-Being

Consumer Well-Being

We research the impact of marketing and consumption practices on social welfare and policy.

Our work in Consumer Well-Being explores the emotional, cognitive, and social responses diverse consumers experience related to their quality of life.

Featured Faculty


Top of Markets/Policy

“Lordy, Lordy, Look Who’s 40!” The Journal of Consumer Research Reaches a Milestone

Journal of Consumer Research


Justine M Rapp, Ronald Paul Hill

Consumer Well-Being

Evaluating the impact of social media activities on human brand sales

International Journal of Research in Marketing


Alok R Saboo, V Kumar, Girish Ramani

Consumer Well-Being

Social Marketing to Advance Food Well-Being

The Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing


Melissa G Bublitz, Lauren G Block, Sonya A Grier

Health & Nutrition, Consumer Well-Being

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