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Research & Publications / Consumer Well-Being

Consumer Well-Being

Consumer Well-Being

We research the impact of marketing and consumption practices on social welfare and policy.

Our work in Consumer Well-Being explores the emotional, cognitive, and social responses diverse consumers experience related to their quality of life.

Featured Faculty


Top of Markets/Policy

Educating for Adolescent Well-being: Is it Time for Marketplace Literacy?

Journal of the Association for Consumer Research


Wendy Attaya Boland, Sonya A Grier, Paul M Connell

Consumer Well-Being, Macromarketing & Public Policy

Impoverished Children and Consumption Adequacy

Journal of the Association for Consumer Research


Ronald Paul Hill, Sarah Mady

Health & Nutrition, Consumer Well-Being

Educating for Adolescent Well-being: Is it Time for Marketplace Literacy?

Journal of the Association for Consumer Research


Wenday Attaya Boland; Sonya A. Grier; Paul M. Connell

Vulnerable Communities, Consumer Well-Being

The Impact of Cultural Health Capital on Market Choice Along the Texas-Mexico Border

Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities


Emilia Amaro, Jordan Rodriguez, Deziree Jackson, Deidre Popovich, Kellilynn M Frias, Ernesto Castañeda 

Vulnerable Communities, Consumer Well-Being

Race in Consumer Research: Past, Present, and Future

Journal of Consumer Research


Sonya A. Grier, David Crockett, Guillaume D. Johnson, Kevin D. Thomas, Tonya Williams Bradford

Race Marketing & Markets, Consumer Well-Being, Vulnerable Communities

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